Medicole & Pollet Medical Group

Pollet Medical Group brings together 6 specialized medical companies. In Belgium, Medicole is our flagship as a full-service provider in dialysis. Founded in 2001, the company specializes in dialysis therapies and other extracorporeal blood treatments (apheresis, cardiovascular surgery, etc.) with exclusivities in the Belgium-Luxemburg market and distribution to Africa and the Middle-East. Medicole also offers a range of wound-care products and compact blood chemistry analysers.

Pollet Medical Group is active in the integration of water treatment, concentrates and media supply for hospitals and dialysis centres worldwide. Our companies have specific know-how, solutions and services to achieve the best possible quality of life for dialysis patients. Besides that Pollet Medical group provides a full portfolio of products and services in the fields of dialysis and plasmapheresis. Medicole can be considered as the Belgian equivalent of our French company Hemotech. Medicole & Hemotech have a lot of products and partners in common in their own territories. All our companies share the same DNA: a family business with local roots and an excellent reputation. Thanks to our combined experience, our complementary businesses and our skills in international development, Pollet Medical Group plays its role as a European leader and full-service provider. Find out more on

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